Getting to know the basics

Step 1.  Search

Click int_search.gif Search & Add Client.
Enter the client name and click Find


Step 2.  Is the client new or existing?

If there are results select the correct client record from the list and continue to Step 3.

If there are no results then click Add Client

Enter the client details and click Save.


Step 3. Client Panel

You are now able to review the client history and update client details.

The most common procedures performed from this point are; adding related clients, providing a service, adding a case note and making an appointment.


Client Panel Basics

int_related.gif Related Clients

You may want to link family members; this will enable you to view the entire family history in the Client Panel.

int_service.gif Service Forms

Service forms have been designed to record all the required data by your organisation.

Detailed statistics reports are automatically generated for each service form. Service forms may be imported from list of templates or created from scratch.

int_casenote.gif Case Note

Record case notes for a quick up to date overview of each client.

int_planner.gif Appointments

The Planner offers a number useful features, calendar events, messages and client lists.

int_general.gif General Records

General records have been designed for all office tasks that are not directly linked to individual clients.


Note to Administrator:

Can I add additional client fields required by my organisation?

Can I search by these fields?

Yes, the software has been designed to be flexible, you may add and modify client fields and the statistics reports will automatically reflect the changes.

Can I place restriction on access to client data?

Yes, CSM Flex has comprehensive Access Level options which determine, what records a user may view, modify and delete.