
Important Changes, Please Read Carefully

Form Details

The new update has modified your client form so that it is compatible with DSS Data Exchange reporting requirements.
The following fields match the DSS specifications and should NOT be modified in the client form.

Mandatory Fields that should be filled in correctly to comply with DSS

    • Gender
    • First Name
    • Last Name
    • Tick "Using Pseudonym" if the name is not the true name of the person.
    • Date Of Birth
    • Tick "Birth Date Is Estimate" if you have guessed the birth date.
    • Address
    • Suburb
    • Postcode
    • State
    • Indigenous Status (previously known as Heritage)
    • Country Of Birth
    • Language At Home

Consent to provide details to DSS

  • By leaving this checkbox un-ticked your clients name and address will NOT be revealed to DSS,
    instead an SLK (uniquely generated number) will be used to identify your client in the DSS system.

    Consent for future contacts from DSS
    • By leaving this checkbox un-ticked your client will NOT be contacted by DSS.

      Optional Fields (may be mandatory in the future)

        • Disability; Intellectual Learning, Psychiatric, Sensory/Speech, Physical.
        • Income Details; Source Of Income, Income Frequency, Income Amount.
        • Migration Details; First Arrival Date, Migration Visa Category, Ancestry.
        • Household Composition


Emergency Relief and other Service Forms

Number of unidentified clients;
If you are using GENRIC dependents and GENERIC partner in Add Relationship this number will automatically be correct. Otherwise you will need to enter the number of people that are receiving this service not including the client and partner (if linked as a client).

Referral Form [DSS]

Please use the "Referral" service form to record Internal and external referrals.
The "Purpose" Field must be recorded in order to have valid record.

Client Score (may be mandatory in the future)

Please use the "Client Assessment Score [DSS]" service form to peform an evaluation of your client.
*Each client should have PRE Service Assessment before a POST Service Assessment.

The following information is from the DSS website;

Reporting SCORE data will only apply to organisations that choose to opt-in to providing the extended data as part of the partnership approach.

How SCORE works in practice

The four SCORE components are linked to standard domains to make it easy to compare client outcomes across DSS programmes.

• The Client Circumstances SCORE is linked to ten outcome domains where changes are sought for clients of DSS funded programmes (physical health; mental health wellbeing and self-care; personal and family safety; age-appropriate development; community participation and networks; family functioning; managing money; employment education & training; material wellbeing; and housing)

• The Client Goal SCORE is linked to six goal domains (changed knowledge; changed skills; changed behaviours; changed confidence to make own decisions; changed engagement with relevant support services; changed impact of immediate crisis)

• The Client Satisfaction SCORE relates to three key domains about a client’s perceptions of the responsiveness and value of the service received (the service listened to me and understood my issues; I am happy with the services I have received; I am better able to deal with issues that I sought help with).

• The Community SCORE is linked to three domains where changes occur for a group or a community (changed knowledge, skills and behaviours for a group of client or community members participating in the service; changed knowledge, skills and practices within organisations that the service works with; or changed community structures and networks to better respond to the needs of targeted clients and communities).

The type of outcome domain that will be relevant will depend on the context of the programme being delivered. With this in mind, service providers only have to report against the domain in each SCORE component that they think is most relevant. While this is the minimum requirement, service providers have the option of also reporting on one or more additional domains if they consider these to be important. Please see Attachment A for examples of how the domains are applied to each of the four SCORE components. Further detail including examples of how to apply SCORE in practice will be provided in the DSS Data Exchange Protocols.

Response rates

Service providers who volunteer to participate in the partnership approach agree to report SCORE for the majority of their clients, for Client Circumstances SCORE, Client Goal SCORE and Community SCORE. This means that service providers aim to collect this information for around half of the clients that receive a service. Client satisfaction SCORE only needs to be reported for a small sample of your clients. If a service provider experiences any difficulties in meeting these objectives they are encouraged to contact the Department.
This is a genuine partnership. No negative consequences will apply to service providers who, despite best endeavours, fall short of the optimum response rate, or who initially volunteer to participate in the partnership approach but then decide to only report the priority requirements.